Irrigation & Landscaping LLC
P.O.Box 34718 Dubai U.A.E
Mon-Sat: 09:00 - 19:00

For crops and plants that thrive best when watered from above, we recommend mobile, semi-mobile or fixed PE sprinkler irrigation systems. Our quick-jointing systems (latched or clamped) remain leak-tight even under low-pressure conditions, while our sturdy high-performance sprinklers ensure a uniform and precise water distribution that comes close to natural rain - except that YOU remain in full control of the flow.
What to consider when choosing your field crops sprinkler irrigation system

Sprinkler spacing

The distance between your field crops sprinklers is primarily determined based on your planting pattern and the agro-mechanical vehicles and tools used .Nevertheless there are other factors to consider. The closer the sprinklers are spaced, the more units and pipes you will require and the higher your system cost will be. On the other hand, wider spacing makes it harder to obtain uniform water distribution. Especially in windy areas

Sprinkler flow rate and overall system precipitation rate

It is important to choose a solution which can provide the daily crop needs and still avoid run-off that creates uneven water distribution and soil erosion. You should look for a precision irrigation system whose precipitation rate correlates to the soil’s infiltration capacity. Unlike center-pivots or rain-guns that have high hourly flow, precision sprinkler systems have low to medium precipitation rates, so they don’t generate run-off.

Droplet size and jet impact

Aggressive jets can injure young crops, expose seeds and create soil erosion or provoke soil crusting. on the other hand, very fine jets can produce small droplets of water which may shift with the wind or evaporate affecting uniform distribution of the water. Look for a sprinkler which can reach the required distance and maintain even distribution patterns, but will not damage your crops.


Key Benefits of the Service

Watering your lawn and is the key to preserving its lushness and beauty. The experts carefully design your sprinkler system to ensure maximum coverage to your lawn. Whether you are looking for a brand new irrigation system to maintain your lawn.

  Extend your home with a beautiful garden
  Your property value increases many times initial value
 Aesthetic garden beauty that improves with age
  All-round certified and insured landscapers
  Our Landscapers attend annual training seminars

Our landscape division has many years of experience in all phases of landscaping and our customer focused approach makes us the best landscaping company!
Our landscape division has many years of experience in all phases of landscaping and our customer focused approach makes us the best landscaping company!
Our landscape division has many years of experience in all phases of landscaping and our customer focused approach makes us the best landscaping company!
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